Principals & Associates
Company Values
We make every effort to anticipate our client's needs and expectations to deliver a successful work product earning their respect and recognition as a courteous, conscientious and professional consulting firm.
We value the opportunity to serve clients in such a manner to yield a long-lasting work union.
We focus our efforts to meet our client's expectations in a timely manner and in support of their engineering, land surveying and management workforce needs.Employee Oriented:
We value our employee contributions and provide a work environment that encourages professional development, while supporting each other’s well being.Competitive:
We endeavor to provide our clients with the best value by providing service competently, economically and resourcefully.Safety:
We strive to work in a safe manner for the benefit of our employees, clients and public.Engineering A Quality of Life


Small Business Administration
ACEC - American Council of Engineering Companies

Tri City Engineering is certified through the California Unified Certification Program as a
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Certificate Link

Tri City Engineering is also certified through the State of California Department of General Services as a Small Business
Certificate Link