Having worked over 30 years in the engineering industry, Sandy’s knowledge and expertise extends to all areas of engineering. As a graduate from Fresno Community College with a degree in Accounting, she began her journey in a full charge bookeeping/office management position.
With more than 30 years of experience with Civil Engineering Firms, Sandy has worked with and for many Civil Engineering firms in the Fresno area. Computerized Project Management is her specialty. Setting up, supporting & finalizing the automation of the Project Management process to increase efficiency and profitability for Engineering Firms.
As a bookkeeper and computer consultant, customer support is integral to maintain a working relationship with clients and vendors. A seamless relationship with our clients allows us to offer and execute solutions that bring about the most desirable results in a timely manner and at minimal costs.
Sandy can assist Local Agencies with implementation of processes, procedures, documents, authorization, approvals and certifications which are required to receive Federal-Aid and/or State Funds. She has used extensively the policies and procedures of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and has implemented a number of projects meeting their extensive requirements.