The field of wastewater is no
longer the simple science and engineering of
collection systems, treatment or reclamation facilities, and reclaimed water disposal.
It is evolving and becoming complex due to water quality regulation; the use of reclaimed water as a water resource and bio-solids as potential form of alternative energy. TCE's qualifications, familiarity
and skills in the field define its capability to develop wastewater solutions for its clients in the 21st century.
TCE has developed a competence and talent to provide client solutions for their wastewater challenges in such areas as:
Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Operations and Management
- Grade II Certificate - State of California
- 25 years experience in the field
- Troubleshooting
- Alternative Energy Feasibility
Regulatory Agency
- Reporting
- Record Keeping
- Advocacy
Owner Representation
- Contract Negotiations
- Facility Engineering
- Contractor Construction
Sewer Collection Systems
- System Analysis
- System Design
- Gravity Systems
- Forcemain Systems
- Master Planning
- Capital Improvement Plans
- Revenue Evaluation
- Public Financing Options
- Grand Funding Opportunities
Reclaimed Water Systems
- Feasibility Studies
- System Analysis
- System Design
- Distribution Systems
- Storage Facilities